Credit Enhancement Facility in Jamaica (CEFJ)

Pilot Project Title:

Testing a Prototype Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management GEF


Acadia Wastewater Treatment Plant, Jamaica - to be decommissioned
Acadia Wastewater Treatment Plant, Jamaica - to be decommissioned

The Jamaica Pilot project provides credit enhancement support for local commercial bank financing of wastewater projects. The K-factor surcharge currently collected through the water bill on a monthly basis is allocated to a special account for wastewater investment projects.

GEF CReW provided US $3 million as a grant to be placed in a reserve account and pledged for commercial bank financing of US $12 million in initial wastewater projects by the National Water Commission (NWC) which has responsibility for public sewerage and sewage treatment and is the Pilot Executing Agency.

Activities include:

  • Design and Build (new plants) at Boscobel and Elleston Flats
  • Upgrade, Rehabilitate and Replace Mechanical Plants
  • Upgrade and Rehabilitate Pond Systems
  • Convey and Decommission Conveyance Systems
  • Socio-economic Survey
  • Wastewater Characterization Study
  • Wastewater Operator Training Program
  • Topographic Survey

Status of Pilot project:

The NWC established a Credit Enhancement Facility (CEF) with the National Commercial Bank (NCB), a local commercial bank, in October 2012, after receiving the Ministry of Finance’s approval to formalize a loan contract in the sum of US $12 million. The grant funds of US$3 million were deposited in that account in 2013. The Loan Contract Agreement with NCB is being finalized and it is anticipated that it will soon be signed. Following this, “Design & Build” Works, already in train, are to be finalized, mobilizing selected contractors.

Under the CReW, thirteen NWC wastewater facilities will be rehabilitated, replaced or decommissioned. These have been grouped into three categories: replacement plants (those plants which will be retired from service and replaced by newly constructed ones); new conveyance facilities (those plants that will be retired and the flows diverted by new trunk sewers or force mains that will be constructed and transferred ultimately to the Soapberry Wastewater Plant (Central System), and; plants for rehabilitation (wastewater plants that will be refurbished and retained in operation). Project Execution Plans have been prepared for all thirteen facilities.

What is the CReW?

The CReW is a four-year project that began in 2011. It is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Our Location

Project Coordinating Group

Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management
c/o Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
40 - 46 Knutsford Boulevard
Kingston 5
Jamaica, W.I.

Phone: +(876) 764-0815


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